How to Build a Roof

All standing structures are deemed incomplete with out a roof. Annual maintenance of your roof by some expert roofers similar to the ones at Boise roofing services will improve the quality and durability of your roof. The roof is a very important element of every structure. It can be comprised of wood or bricks. It protects the structure and the inhabitants of the building from the elements. Roofs like this resource from roofingconcordnc should be constructed very carefully and with the proper materials. If the roof to a standing building is damaged, failing, leaking or otherwise insufficient, then the entire building is compromised. The property can suffer tremendous damage and can be quite expensive to repair if the damage reaches too far, so make sure that you get the best roof replacement services to fix it up. Here is how you can successfully build your own roof. But if you will be needing a Re Roofing contractor, try to find one and give them a call.

Continue reading on as I explain what I learned from the retractable roof systems Melbourne company.

Required Materials

exterior plywood

pre-fabricated roof trusses


drip edge

metal flashing

asphalt shingles

12 GA nails for roofing

tar paper

fasteners for metal products

rafter ties


Required Tools

claw hammer

tape measure

framing hammer

canvas nail belts

framing square

combination square


nail puller

carpentry level





chalk line

felt-tipped pens and pencils

saw horses


hand saw

plumb bob

finish hammer


staple gun

nail gun


caulking gun

tin snip

nail set




Lining Up

Organize all of your work. Use the construction map to help you with this step. Place in it plain view. Make sure your rafter ends are straight. They should be in a straight line.

Applying Sheets

Apply the sheets on the roof from the bottom up. Carefully work your way up to the roof. Cut the last sheet to fit a measurement of  4’ increments. The sheathing line should be positioned perpendicular to the rafters. As this is very important we recommend to click here and hire some help.


Come up with a code for the nailing. This will help you to determine where to place the nails.

Adjoining Sheets

Join the sheets together. Then, nail down the rafters around the roof’s perimeter. This allows for easy adjustment if needed.

Adding Stability

Stagger the sheathing of the roof along all the courses. Divide your panels into two halves and use these sheets to sheath the roof in a staggered pattern. Add metal clips in between the sheathing to stabilize the roof top. If you are building your own roof, this article named, Can You Use Metal Roofing on a Flat Roof? might interest you.

Checking Alignment

You should have the alignment on your roof checked by a professional at from time to time. This is very important in terms of maintaining your roof and overall property. Make sure there are no inconsistencies in your roof top. Examine one slope at a time. Repeat the procedure for all the sloping on your residential roofing project.