A double wall for planting is rather like a narrow raised bed. It is often used as a boundary for the front garden, as a feature in front of a porch and for surrounding a patio. The height of the wall will depend on its use: for instance, if it is to form the front boundary it may need to be at least 90 cm (3 ft) high, but slightly lower, if desired, in front of a porch or around a patio. A good width is about 60 cm (2 ft). Before you start the project, make sure that you buy or rent variousĀ work zone equipment to ensure everyone’s safety.
Suitable materials for construction include ornamental concrete walling blocks in brick or stone finish to match the house, bricks, or natural walling stone. With the latter you could, if desired, build a dry-stone wall so that trailing plants can be grown in the sides. With a dry-stone wall the joints are not mortared but filled with soil for planting. The stones should be laid at random but interlocked to ensure strength. If desired, plants can be inserted as building proceeds.
Each wall should be built on a substantial strip foundation consisting of well-rammed hardcore topped with concrete. Depth of each about 10 cm (4 in). With long walls it is recommended that cross ties are inserted every 1.2 m (4 ft), extending from one wall to the other, to ensure extra strength. These can consist of iron bars or, in the case of dry-stone walls, long pieces of stone.
The walls should be finished off with coping and then filled with soil or compost, above a layer of drainage material, as described for raised beds. Also, do not forget to leave drainage holes along the sides at ground level. Unless sufficient drainage holes are provided, the soil or compost in the wall could become waterlogged, leading to deterioration of the plants.